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History Intent Statement

Be confident communicators

Be knowledgeable

Be a good citizen

Be adventurous

Be ambitious

At Belmont Cheveley Park Primary School we intend to develop our children’s enthusiasm for learning about the past through hands-on historical enquiries and experiences, combined with structured classroom based learning. Our curriculum should intrigue our children and make history ‘fun’. Our children will have an increased sense of chronology and how their learning fits within the historical time-line as each year group’s topics progress chronologically from the Ancient World to Modern History. It is our aim that our children are not only knowledgeable about the time-periods that they study, but ambitious in developing that knowledge further and adventurous in the ways in which they do so.

Historical skills and enquiry techniques will be developed as children learn to question ‘why’ in an historical context, finding out the true reasons for things being the way they were. We intend to develop natural intrigue and encourage child-led investigations into areas of topics that children find the most interesting.

Local history is of the utmost importance to our school and right from KS1 children will learn about the historical significance of their locality including studies around St Cuthbert, Coal Mining and Durham Cathedral. It is our intention that children leave Cheveley Park as well-rounded historians with a secure understanding of how the world used to be, how it has changed over time and to have developed a love of learning about the past.